Checking certificate expiration with PowerShell

Had an idea to write some (PowerShell) script which will check and maybe notify me of certificates that are nearing expiration for a bunch of (public) sites that… somewhat matter to me. šŸ˜Š

As it turns out, someone already had this idea and wrote very nice PowerShell script that does just that, available here – thank you!

While testing it, there were sites on which the script worked just fine, and there were sites on which I got errors like this one (Error: “String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.”):

Seems to be connected to my regional settings (I know… who would ever use hr-HR instead of en-US, but… šŸ˜Š) and date/time formatting:

I’ve tried to fix it in a couple of ways, but the one that finally did it (for me) was explained on Dan Sheehan’s blog (thanks!), implemented on lines 25-26 below.

So, my adapted script looks like this (and works with my hr-HR culture):

It provides the following output (which can be further customized per your needs, of course… and I know – need to insert some line breaks, convert output to HTML, send it via e-mail, … it’s a start! šŸ˜Š):

Note that I’m returning expiration date “the Croatian way”, by using the following formatting:

Hope it helps someone (and #kudos to original authors)!
