Hyper-V reporting script

There’s something nice for all you Hyper-V admins out there – don’t know if you’ve seen it already, but Serhat Akinci (my MVP colleague) made a great script for reporting the health of your Hyper-V hosts, called Get-HyperVReport.

You can use it on local or remote Hyper-V hosts and clusters, schedule and e-mail the reports (something to read while enjoying the morning coffee… or tea Smile), and they look like this:


Highlights (from TechNet page):

  • More than 2600+ lines of PowerShell, HTML and CSS code examples
  • Creates a plain but detailed and user-friendly HTML report which is compatible with all modern browsers
  • Provides more detailed information via tooltips in the HTML report. (cells with asteriks and highlighted)
  • Checks and installs required runtime environment prerequisites like Hyper-V and Clustering PowerShell
  • Collects information by using standard Hyper-V and Clustering PowerShell cmdlets and custom WMI queries
  • Shows alerts in the report for certain situations (utilizations, VM checkpoints, replication status, etc.)
  • Can be used directly from command-line or as a scheduled Windows task
  • Supports report delivery via e-mail with advanced options. (authentication, TLS/SSL, multiple recipients)
  • Includes a mode that reports only alerts in the Hyper-V environment. (aka HighlightsOnly mode)
  • Advanced error handling and logging. (Console messages and log file)

Download of this script, and more information about it, is available at TechNet Gallery. And remember – don’t let your Hyper-V hosts run all by themselves! Smile


Adventure of installing the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for PowerShell

Well, you know the story – “something needs to be done immediately, usually in the middle of the night, involving PowerShell, and you don’t have all the needed modules installed…”.

The solution seems easy enough – install the required modules, connect to Office 365 and do the job. Yeah… but no! Smile

More specific – I’ve tried to install the Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell the other night. In the end, I’ve succeeded, but something kept me awake a little longer than necessary.

I’ve read an article on TechNet, explaining the management of Azure Active Directory using PowerShell. Why? Because I couldn’t do what was needed via the (nice) user interface.

So, instructions said “Install the Windows Azure AD Module” – I’ve downloaded the appropriate installer (Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell (64-bit version)), and started the installation.

Almost immediately, I’ve got an error saying that the Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant (version 7.0 or greater) needs to be already installed. OK, I’ve downloaded this piece of software as well (from here), and installed it. “Fortunately” it demands a machine reboot. Rebooted.


Now I’ve tried to install the Windows Azure AD Module again, and got the same error:


I must say that I’m little confused at this point, because I was convinced that I’ve installed this just a minute or two ago. Ok, it’s late. No big deal – I’ve ran the installation again, and got the following screen:


So, it is installed after all. Maybe it’s the wrong version (on the other hand, the TechNet article contains the link to download)? After a few moments of searching, I’ve found the more recent version of this Sign-In Assistant, called Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals BETA. I’ve installed this version now, and tried to install the Windows Azure AD Module afterwards. Now it finally worked!


The conclusion – this TechNet article is slightly out-of-date (linked to the wrong version of the Sign-In Assistant, which doesn’t work with the current version of Windows Azure AD Module) and, until this is resolved, you’ll need to install the BETA version from the link provided above (this one).


Nagradna igra!

Na našem IT Pro User Group portalu danas je objavljena obavijest o nagradnoj igri koju ovdje prenosim niže u postu.

Ukoliko ste razmišljali o nekoj od pretplati, uključite se u izvlačenje i možda ćete imati sreće…

IT PRO UG Zagreb je u mogućnosti podijeliti jednu jednogodišnju TechNet Plus Direct pretplatu jednom sretnom dobitniku. U nagradnoj igri mogu sudjelovati svi postojeći i novi članovi IT PRO grupe. Nagradna igra traje do 21.12.2009. godine,  do 12:00 sati, kada ćemo napraviti nagradno izvlačanje i o dobitku obavijestiti sretnog dobitnika putem maila koji je dao prilikom registracije i putem portala.

Pravila nagradne igre:

  • Morate biti registrirani član IT PRO grupe
  • U nagradnu igru ne ulaze administratori portala ni UG leaderi bilo koje grupe (IT PRO, DEV, SP …)
  • Svaki registrirani korisnik ima unikatan registracijski broj na portalu
  • Korisnik mora biti iz Hrvatske
  • Nagrada se izvlači nasumičnim odabirom registracijskog broja korištenem računalne aplikacije za generiranje nasumičnih brojeva
  • Za sve žalbe nadležni su Marin i Robert

Registrirajte se na portalu i sudjelujte u nagradnoj igri!”

Exchange 2010 launch, PMI forum 2009

Jučer, na TechEd konferenciji u Berlinu, je službeno predstavljen Exchange Server 2010 (kako je i najavljeno u službenoj objavi koju sam citirao u postu) koji je ujedno i “pušten” TechNet/MSDN pretplatnicima. Po običaju, najbolji početak za upoznavanje novog proizvoda su službene stranice na kojima možete pronaći sve relevantne informacije…

Uz TechEd koji se održava u Njemačkoj, ovaj tjedan (točnije u srijedu) se kod nas, u Zagrebu, održava PMI forum 2009 – treća regionalna konferencija namijenjena voditeljima projekata. Iako baš i nisam ciljana publika, imam priliku prisustvovati i jednom ovakvom događanju, što me jako veseli. Sve o konferenciji možete saznati na službenim stranicama.

Za kraj, nešto na što sam slučajno naišao – znate li što je BSoD (sigurno ste ga vidjeli ili barem čuli za njega)? Uglavnom, na ovim stranicama imate priliku preuzeti screen saver dizajniran po uzoru na famozni BSoD pa ako vas više veseli da umjesto Windows logo-a, na vašem ekranu stoji BSOD, poslužite se. 🙂