Advanced Technology Days 12

Another Advanced Technology Days are now behind us.

It was a great conference, with so many familiar faces (and so many new ones). I didn’t like this year’s venue as much as the last one (let’s be honest – nothing beats a movie theater! Smile), but it was fine – it’s always about the great people, not the venue itself.

This year I was speaking about the new System Center 2016 suite and, judging by the full room (thank you!), this topic is very hot right now. I really like the new features in Virtual Machine Manager and the new “speedy” Operations Manager (with web portal which finally works in “modern” browsers Smile).


Slides (which are actually customized Microsoft Ignite slides – thank you), are uploaded to my SlideShare.

And now… looking forward to Advanced Technology Days 13. Smile


P.S. Thanks for the pics – Goran & Igor!

Missed the Microsoft Ignite 2016?

Don’t be sad! Smile

In case you’ve missed the Microsoft Ignite conference this year (like me Smile), all of its content is available online! You can visite the conference homepage ( and catch video streams and…

… even better – there is a PowerShell script that can help you download the videos and slides of about 570 Ignite sessions!!! How cool is that???

Script was made by Michel de Rooij and Mattias Fors, and can be found here (read the “help” section to figure out what you need and how to use it).

When launched (properly), it looks something like this:


Happy downloading, watching and learning! Smile


P.S. With the script alone, you’ll need the YouTube downloader utility available here (it actually says so in the script’s “help”, but who reads the documentation, right? Smile).

MobilityDay 2016

As mentioned before, I was at the MobilityDay 2016 conference on Thursday, where I’ve had an honor to deliver a session about Citrix XenMobile & NetScaler solutions (yup, I know… it’s not Hyper-V… go figure… but my demo environment was still runnning on top of Hyper-V, so…).

Session was actually a short introduction to what Citrix XenMobile solution offers and how to set it all up, combined with NetScaler, for a complete management of mobile devices and mobile applications.

Conference was great, as always – so much old (and new) faces, with lots of fun. This time it was actually a 10th birthday of MobilityDay!

14470566_10205580989363163_284177836217597639_n(photo by Romeo)

Happy birthday, MobilityDay! (and congrats to the organizers) Smile

Slides are available at my SlideShare:


Hyper-V best practices at KulenDayz 2016

It’s that time of the year again – conference time! Smile

First of the conferences I was at was the KulenDayz 2016 conference. I love KulenDayz! So many nice people, friends, colleagues, MVPs and kids gathering at awesome (and relaxed) sessions, enjoying wonderful nature (and food). Smile

This year I’ve had the honor to speak about Hyper-V best practices – I’ve tried to gather the most of best practices around Hyper-V deployments that I’ve seen/learned/done over the years in an easy 50-minute session. Considering the reactions from the attendees and other speakers, it was a great session! (thank you all!)


As every one of us has hers/his best practices around Hyper-V, I’m expecting your comments, thoughts and corrections… we are all learning from each other!

Session slides have been uploaded to SlideShare:

Big thanks to the organizers for another great KulenDayz experience!!!

Next conference is Mobility Day 2016, which is in about two weeks. I’ll be speaking about something completely different – Citrix XenMobile and NetScaler. Fun times!
