Using a self-hosted runner with GitHub Actions

As I was going through the excellent short course called Azure Infrastructure as Code with GitHub (by fellow MVP, Barbara Forbes), a thought appeared – what do I need to do to use my custom runner machine inside a pipeline for… I don’t know… security/privacy concerns, isolation, special requirements, different OS, control, price… or just to complicate things a bit?

Of course, GitHub supports this and it’s called a self-hosted runner.

So, what do I need to do to use this self-hosted runner with my GitHub Actions?

It’s relatively simple – there is an application package, which will be installed on your runner machine, and which will listen for and eventually do all the work defined in your workflow!

But first, let’s introduce my environment.

I have a simple GitHub Action (workflow), which creates a simple storage account on my Azure environment (there is actually no need to convert Bicep to ARM before deployment, but it seemed cool 😀). It’s currently using the „ubuntu-latest“ runner, provided by GitHub… which has also all the needed components inside (like Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, …).

And it works fine. When there is a push to my GitHub repository, GitHub Actions starts and does what is needed on my Azure environment via this workflow:

And the mighty Bicep file (😀) it’s using for the deployment is:

Of course, this runs just fine on a standard (hosted) runner:

To run this workflow (successfully) not that much is needed.

First, I’ve created a new virtual machine (I’ll use a simple Ubuntu Hyper-V VM, no autoscaling, no… nothing) called hermes (god of speed 😀), with freshly installed Ubuntu 22.04.1-LTS (minimized).

After that, I went to the Settings of my GitHub repository and got the download and install scripts for the x64 Linux runner:

As you can see, I’ll be using crontab later to automatically (re)start my self-hosted runner.

If everything went well, you should see your runner “up and running” (😀) in the GitHub portal:

Next, I’ll use the following script to install all prerequisites for my workflow (like Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, etc. – it really depends on your workflow and things you use):

Once this is done, my self-hosted runner hermes should be ready to run the workflow.

To try this, I need to make a slight update to my workflow file – line 12 inside the job configuration should be updated from “runs-on: ubuntu-latest” to “runs-on: self-hosted“.

So, my workflow YAML file now looks like this:

And once I push the configuration to my GitHub, my workflow automatically starts and runs on hermes, my self-hosted runner:

If we prepared our runner right, all is good! 😊

Of course, our resources are deployed successfully:

So, this is how you can use your own, self-hosted runner, to execute your GitHub Actions (workflows).


Capturing network trace in Windows

Do you need to capture some network traffic on a Windows box for further analysis, but don’t want to install additional software just… everywhere?

I usually do.

If you didn’t know, Windows has built-in tool with which you can do just that – (among other things) capture network trace to a file for further analysis. The tool is called netsh.

So, how do you capture traffic with netsh?

It’s fairly easy (for more options, filters and such, you can always check the accompanying help content – netsh trace start ?):

If you look at the location where you’ve saved your trace, you’ll see two files – of those two files, MyTrace.etl is the one you want:

OK, but what do you do with it?

If you try to open it with, for example, WireShark, you’ll see it doesn’t work:

So… we have a trace file with which we can’t really do anything?!?

Not exactly!

If you have Microsoft Network Monitor (now archived, but can be found… on the Internet) or Microsoft Message Analyzer (now retired), you can open up and analyze your trace as you normally would:

If you already have WireShark on, let’s say, your workstation, and want to continue using it for the analysis, this trace needs to be converted to a format which WireShark understands (hope that one day we’ll have WireShark which opens such .etl files natively).

You can convert it by using the free tool called etl2pcapng.

It doesn’t require installation, and if you want to use the pre-compiled binaries, they are available under etl2pcapng releases.

So, convert your (netsh) MyTrace.etl to (WireShark’s) MyTrace.pcapng with this command:

Once converted, you can open the new file (MyTrace.pcapng) in WireShark, and do what you would usually do to analyze it:

Hope this helps!
