Missed the Microsoft Ignite 2016?

Don’t be sad! Smile

In case you’ve missed the Microsoft Ignite conference this year (like me Smile), all of its content is available online! You can visite the conference homepage (https://ignite.microsoft.com/) and catch video streams and…

… even better – there is a PowerShell script that can help you download the videos and slides of about 570 Ignite sessions!!! How cool is that???

Script was made by Michel de Rooij and Mattias Fors, and can be found here (read the “help” section to figure out what you need and how to use it).

When launched (properly), it looks something like this:


Happy downloading, watching and learning! Smile


P.S. With the script alone, you’ll need the YouTube downloader utility available here (it actually says so in the script’s “help”, but who reads the documentation, right? Smile).

System Center 2012 SP1 CTP2 published!

Yesterday Microsoft published System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 CTP2. I was using the CTP1, and was missing some of the features, but now they seem fixed (however, it’s to early to tell, ‘cause the download is still running Smile).

One thing that I was missing just yesterday, during my training about Microsoft cloud solutions, was the support for Azure VM in App Controller – it’s on the list; can’t wait to try it out!

Other notable improvements and updates are:

  • Virtual Machine Manager
    • Improved Support for Network Virtualization
    • Extend the VMM console with Add-ins
    • Support for Windows Standards-Based Storage Management Service, thin provisioning of logical units and discovery of SAS storage
    • Ability to convert VHD to VHDX, use VHDX as base Operating System image
  • Configuration Manager
    • Support for Windows 8
    • Support for Mac OS clients
    • Support for Linux and Unix servers
  • Data Protection Manager
    • Improved backup performance of Hyper-V over CSV 2.0
    • Protection for Hyper-V over remote SMB share
    • Protection for Windows Server 2012 de-duplicated volumes
    • Uninterrupted protection for VM live migration
  • App Controller
    • Service Provider Foundation API to create and operate Virtual Machines
    • Support for Azure VM; migrate VHDs from VMM to Windows Azure, manage from on-premise System Center
  • Operations Manager
    • Support for IIS 8
    • Monitoring of WCF, MVC and .NET NT services
    • Azure SDK support
  • Orchestrator
    • Additional support for Integration Packs, including 3rd party
    • Manage VMM self-service User Roles
    • Manage multiple VMM ‘stamps’ (scale units), aggregate results from multiple stamps
    • Integration with App Controller to consume Hosted clouds
  • Service Manager
    • Apply price sheets to VMM clouds
    • Create chargeback reports
    • Pivot by cost center, VMM clouds, Pricesheets
  • Server App-V
    • Support for applications that create scheduled tasks during packaging
    • Create virtual application packages from applications installed remotely on native server

I’ll install them in my lab during the weekend and then we’ll see…

Have a nice weekend!

Internet Explorer 9 RC – available

According to the article on liveside.net, Internet Explorer’s (long awaited) “public beta refresh” is available for download…

If you’re  still using the “old version” (of IE 9), go and grab this better looking version which is named Internet Explorer 9 RC(version number is 9.0.8080.16413 – this is somewhat newer then the version that “leaked” few days ago (that one was 9.0.8073.6003, in case that someone was wondering)).

The new version can be downloaded here, and more (official) information is available at this site. If you want to see what IE9 can do, the good start would definitely be at beautyoftheweb.com.

UPDATE: ZDNet’s Ed Bott gave a pretty wrap-up of what is new in IE9 RC, and you can find his article here.

Još novosti…

Uz sve ostale bete, odnosno beta refresh verzije, koje su postale dostupne ovih dana (Aurora, Vail, Security Essentials…), od danas možete preuzeti i novu verziju (također beta refresh) Windows Live Essentials paketa.

Neke od osobina nove verzije, Windows Live Essentials 2011, su:

A quicker Messenger – The time it takes to sign in, and to refresh contacts and social feeds, as well as animation speed, are all faster than in previous versions of Messenger.
More efficient video chat – Messenger video chat uses 30% fewer CPU resources by offloading work to the GPU.
Better facial recognition – Photo Gallery facial recognition is improved significantly and works more quickly.
Larger movie uploads – Movie Maker will upload higher resolution movies to SkyDrive (480×640 vs. the previous 320×480).
Higher bit-rate movies – Movie Maker now supports higher quality (bit-rate) content.
Better spell-checking – Writer has significantly improved the quality of its spell-checking.
Better integration with Office – Writer is much better at retaining all formatting when you copy and paste from Word and other Microsoft Office programs.
Better handling of Gmail – Mail now automatically handles Gmail’s spam and trash folders properly.
Faster web filtering – Family Safety web filtering is 35% faster than in the previous version.


p>Ostali detalji su dosta opširno opisani ovdje, dok betu možete preuzeti ovdje.

Dostupan MDT 2010 Update 1

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 Update 1 je, nakon perioda beta testiranja (beta je bila dostupna od sredine svibnja), danas konačno ugledao svjetlo dana u svojoj konačnoj verziji.

Ukoliko koristite MDT 2010, MDT 2008 ili BDD 2007, preporuča se nadogradnja na najsvježiju verziju jer su ispravljeni uočeni bugovi, ali i dodane nove mogućnosti…


p>Jedna od najvažnijih novosti je mogućnost deploymenta novog Officea (2010), a ostali detalji i download se nalaze ovdje.