Bad Request for url (error 400) in AKS

I’ve decided to go through the **awesome** AKS Workshop on Microsoft Learn and had some issues (with my setup), which I wanted to share, in case someone else hits them.

It was all good until I got to the part of creating the AKS cluster with Azure CLI – I was using Windows Terminal with WSL (Ubuntu 20.04) instead of using Azure Cloud Shell as suggested. I’ve gone through the steps of preparing variables needed for creating the cluster as it says, and when I tried to finally create the cluster by using “az aks create” command, I’ve got an error:

Error states that something is wrong with our request and neither –verbose or –debug options were giving me any useful details (actually, it was in front of me all the time, but I didn’t see it 😊). I’ve rechecked/reset the variables, tried once more and once more… it was all the same. As Google was conveniently down at the time (who would say, right?!), I’ve had to try and figure it out by myself. So, I’ve looked at the error once again:

Operation failed with status: ‘Bad Request’. Details: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url:<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/aks-workshop/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/aks-vnet/subnets/aks-subnet%0D/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments?$filter=atScope%28%29&api-version=2018-09-01-preview

… and then it struck me!

There’s some trash in the URL (more precisely – my AKS subnet ID was having “%0D” added to the end)!

And if we check what “%0D” exactly stands for, it says “carriage return” (which I’ve obviously didn’t want to be a part of my subnet ID) – so, even it all seemed fine when looking at the variable content, now I know it wasn’t.

Easy-peasy, we can fix the part where we’re extracting this subnet ID or we can just replace the variable’s value with the right one (without the %0D at its end, that is).

That got me going… towards the next error. This one was actually more descriptive (yes, and the first one is descriptive enough, if you read it carefully 😊) – it said that I’ve got additional content inside my Kubernetes version variable:

Operation failed with status: ‘Bad Request’. Details: Error to parse agent pool version “1.19.3\r”: Invalid character(s) found in patch number “3\r”

You can see the extra “\r“, which again, is here because of bad value assigned to the variable $VERSION.

Which can also be easily fixed.

One other funny thing I’ve observed was, when getting my Kubernetes cluster credentials, as you can see below, they were actually merged to C:\Users\tomica\.kube\config:

This was funny because I’m inside WSL… which doesn’t actually have C:\Users\tomica\.kube\config, right? (and no, credentials weren’t merged to /home/tomica/.kube/config, which kubectl there uses by default, so… they are actually at /mnt/c/Users/tomica/.kube/config – funny, will check with the MS folks) 😊

Fair enough – we can merge them manually or just select the right file and we’re good to go:

There you go – if you get stuck on similar things, maybe this can help you. 😊
