Microsoft MVP for another year…

mvp_logoOn October, 1st 2010, I was introduced to the worldwide Microsoft MVP community as MVP for Management Infrastructure. That was a great driver in the past year. Today I received another e-mail stating that my MVP title is renewed… I’m proud for being the part of this community, and will put together all my efforts to justify this.

Big thanks to all the people included in this decision, and thanks to all that support me every day!

Još novosti…

Uz sve ostale bete, odnosno beta refresh verzije, koje su postale dostupne ovih dana (Aurora, Vail, Security Essentials…), od danas možete preuzeti i novu verziju (također beta refresh) Windows Live Essentials paketa.

Neke od osobina nove verzije, Windows Live Essentials 2011, su:

A quicker Messenger – The time it takes to sign in, and to refresh contacts and social feeds, as well as animation speed, are all faster than in previous versions of Messenger.
More efficient video chat – Messenger video chat uses 30% fewer CPU resources by offloading work to the GPU.
Better facial recognition – Photo Gallery facial recognition is improved significantly and works more quickly.
Larger movie uploads – Movie Maker will upload higher resolution movies to SkyDrive (480×640 vs. the previous 320×480).
Higher bit-rate movies – Movie Maker now supports higher quality (bit-rate) content.
Better spell-checking – Writer has significantly improved the quality of its spell-checking.
Better integration with Office – Writer is much better at retaining all formatting when you copy and paste from Word and other Microsoft Office programs.
Better handling of Gmail – Mail now automatically handles Gmail’s spam and trash folders properly.
Faster web filtering – Family Safety web filtering is 35% faster than in the previous version.


p>Ostali detalji su dosta opširno opisani ovdje, dok betu možete preuzeti ovdje.