How PowerShell keeps my photo collection neat

As I love taking photos, sometimes it might be difficult to keep my photo collection “neat”. My camera is set to save every photo in two formats (one for editing, and another one for “long term storage”, as I like to say Smile) – .ARW and .JPG.

When I come home from a “photo trip”, I go through the photos taken and delete the ones I don’t really like. As I need to delete both copies, sometimes it happens that I forgot to delete .JPG or .ARW file of the same photo (which leads to “inconsistencies” in my collection… which is not “neat” Smile).

To overcome this, I’ve come up with a solution – a simple PowerShell script to check if there are any .ARW files which are missing it’s corresponding .JPG file (basically, I’m looking for files sharing the same name, but with different extension):

So, output will be something like this (with right arrow in results meaning that I have .ARW files for which I don’t have the corresponding .JPG file, which further means that I’ve deleted the .JPG file which I didn’t like and now I need to delete .ARW as well):


Arrow on the left side means that I have .JPG files for which I don’t have the corresponding .ARW file. No results will mean that I have the files in sync – for each .ARW file, there is a corresponding .JPG file.

Next step will be to tweak the script and probably automate the deletion process. For now, I’m satisfied with PowerShell providing me info about the duplicates and deleting the files manually. Smile
