Using a self-hosted runner with GitHub Actions

As I was going through the excellent short course called Azure Infrastructure as Code with GitHub (by fellow MVP, Barbara Forbes), a thought appeared – what do I need to do to use my custom runner machine inside a pipeline for… I don’t know… security/privacy concerns, isolation, special requirements, different OS, control, price… or just to complicate things a bit?

Of course, GitHub supports this and it’s called a self-hosted runner.

So, what do I need to do to use this self-hosted runner with my GitHub Actions?

It’s relatively simple – there is an application package, which will be installed on your runner machine, and which will listen for and eventually do all the work defined in your workflow!

But first, let’s introduce my environment.

I have a simple GitHub Action (workflow), which creates a simple storage account on my Azure environment (there is actually no need to convert Bicep to ARM before deployment, but it seemed cool 😀). It’s currently using the „ubuntu-latest“ runner, provided by GitHub… which has also all the needed components inside (like Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, …).

And it works fine. When there is a push to my GitHub repository, GitHub Actions starts and does what is needed on my Azure environment via this workflow:

And the mighty Bicep file (😀) it’s using for the deployment is:

Of course, this runs just fine on a standard (hosted) runner:

To run this workflow (successfully) not that much is needed.

First, I’ve created a new virtual machine (I’ll use a simple Ubuntu Hyper-V VM, no autoscaling, no… nothing) called hermes (god of speed 😀), with freshly installed Ubuntu 22.04.1-LTS (minimized).

After that, I went to the Settings of my GitHub repository and got the download and install scripts for the x64 Linux runner:

As you can see, I’ll be using crontab later to automatically (re)start my self-hosted runner.

If everything went well, you should see your runner “up and running” (😀) in the GitHub portal:

Next, I’ll use the following script to install all prerequisites for my workflow (like Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, etc. – it really depends on your workflow and things you use):

Once this is done, my self-hosted runner hermes should be ready to run the workflow.

To try this, I need to make a slight update to my workflow file – line 12 inside the job configuration should be updated from “runs-on: ubuntu-latest” to “runs-on: self-hosted“.

So, my workflow YAML file now looks like this:

And once I push the configuration to my GitHub, my workflow automatically starts and runs on hermes, my self-hosted runner:

If we prepared our runner right, all is good! 😊

Of course, our resources are deployed successfully:

So, this is how you can use your own, self-hosted runner, to execute your GitHub Actions (workflows).


What about this Bicep?

You’ve probably heard about Azure Resource Manager (ARM) – the deployment and management service/layer of Azure, which enables you to manage (create, configure, delete) your Azure resources. Also, you are probably aware that ARM uses so called ARM templates – basically, JSON files that actually define the infrastructure and configuration you want to deploy to Azure (think Infrastructure as Code, IaC).

So, if you have dealt with ARM/JSON in the past, you may have been finding it difficult to start with, and somewhat complex.

Bicep is here to help.

Here is a short overview of Bicep – basically, it’s a language which enables you easier deployment of Azure resources, without messing around (too much) with JSON. To be frank, it somehow reminds of Terraform, but it’s also different. It has many cool features, immediately supports all new Azure features and APIs, can be built (converted) into .json and deployed as such or it can be deployed straight away as .bicep, doesn’t require state file, it’s open and free, has great support in Visual Studio Code and much more. And it’s still in active development!

If you’re dealing with IaC and Azure, try it.

To show you the power (and simplicity) of Bicep, here is a short example of deploying Linux virtual machine in Azure (together with a resource group, virtual network, virtual network subnet, virtual NIC and network security group), done “the old way” (in JSON, which was actually converted from Bicep… it’s easier than writing JSON from the scratch) and then done via Bicep (“the right way”? 😀).

Additionally, you’ll see that I’ve tried to break stuff into modules – with more or less sucess. 😀

The ARM/JSON way (could be done nicer/shorter, with parameters inside .parameters.json… if you know what you’re doing – this is converted from Bicep and serves just for illustrative purposes):


The Bicep way:

Bicep seems a bit easier to read and shorter, right (while still doing basically the same thing)? 😀

If we deploy the .bicep files above (note that I’m deploying the “raw” .bicep file directly – which is cool!):

We finally get our resources:

So, where should you start if you’re new to Bicep?

I would certainly recommend starting with free and official Deploy and manage resources in Azure by using Bicep learning path on Microsoft Learn.

After that, you can probably pick up Freek Berson’s book Getting started with Bicep: Infrastructure as Code on Azure (first and only book on Bicep that I know of – really liked it because of the simple (yet effective) examples with storage accounts, it connects everything and flows naturally – building up “brick by brick” and not “jumping around”, just to show off what Bicep can do).

Another great resource are also the Bicep examples – there’s plenty to learn from them too!

Of course, you’ll also need to practice – install the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell module, add Bicep and use Visual Studio Code for your first steps with creating, deleting, configuring and breaking stuff… powered by Bicep! 😀


Fixing things with… terraform destroy

I like Terraform, because it’s so clean, fast and elegant; OK, I also suck at it, but hey – I’m trying! 🙂

The long story

Usually, Terraform and its providers are very good at doing things in the order they should be done. But sometimes people do come up with silly ideas, and mine was such (of course) – I’ve decided to rename something and it broke things. Just a little.

I have a simple lab in Azure, with a couple of virtual machines behind the Azure Load Balancer, no big deal. All this is being deployed (and redeployed) via Terraform, using the official azurerm provider. It’s actually a Standard SKU Azure Load Balancer (don’t ask why), with a single backend pool and a few probes and rules. Nothing special.

I’ve deployed this lab a few days ago (thanks to good people at Microsoft, I have some free credits to spare), everything worked just fine, but today I’ve got the wild idea – I’ve decided to rename my backend pool.

With all the automation in place, this shouldn’t be a problem… one would think. 🙂

So, as I’ve updated my code and during the make it so phase (terraform apply), I’ve got some errors (truncated, with only the useful stuff):


After going through these errors, I’ve realized that my resources are indeed in the same region, but existing rules are referencing the current backend pool by name and actually blocking Terraform in renaming the backend pool.

There are a couple of options at this stage – you can destroy your deployment and run it again (as I normally would) and it should all be fine. Or you can try to fix only the dependent resources and make it work as part of the existing deployment.

With some spare time at my hands, I’ve tried to fix it using the second one and it actually worked.


Terraform has a nice option for destroying just some parts of the deployment.

If you look at help for the terraform destroy command, you can see the target option:

And if you run it to fix your issues, you’ll get a nice red warning saying that this is only for exceptional situations (and they mean it!):


So… BE CAREFUL! (can’t stress this enough!)


Anyhow, I’ve destroyed rules which were preventing my rename operation:

And then another terraform apply –auto-approve recreated everything that was needed, and finally – my backend pool got renamed:

Another idea I’ve had was to taint the resources (terraform taint -help), which would probably be a lot nicer. Oh, well… maybe next time. 🙂

As things are constantly improving, it shouldn’t be long until this is fixed (should it even be fixed?!). Until then, hope this will help you with similar issues!
