Playing around with Azure Stack HCI

Decided to have some fun with (nested) Microsoft Azure Stack HCI in my lab.

If you want to do the same, I’ve scripted most the stuff you need, so… maybe it will be useful.

Steps to prepare a brand new, shiny, nested Azure Stack HCI lab are (roughly):

  • prepare your (parent) Windows Server 2022 Hyper-V host (ensure enough resources are available)
    • it already hosts my Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, router, …,  VMs
    • everything will be saved locally to D:\AzureStackHCI
  • (optional) install Windows Admin Center (WAC) for easier management
    • download it and install with simple command:

  • obtain the Azure Stack HCI 60-day trial ISO image from here
  • make VHD(X) from the obtained ISO image:

    • note that I’m using Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 available here
    • which gives me nice, generalized Azure Stack HCI VHD(X), which we will “upgrade with things” and later use for VM creation
  • install prerequisites into VHD(X)
    • this one is fairly easy – install Windows roles and features directly to the VHD(X) itself:

    • NOTE: If you try to install the Hyper-V role later, it may fail as we’re running Azure Stack HCI on “normal” Windows Server, so it get’s confused with nested virtualization availability. With preinstaling it, we make sure it just works.
  • update VHD(X) with latest patches:

    • I have previously downloaded all the Azure Stack HCI patches available to D:\AzureStackHCI\Updates
  • add Unattend.xml to handle the “set password at first login issue”
    • it annoys me that I need to set up the initial password, so… simple Unattend.xml file, injected into VHD(X) should take care of this:

    • NOTE: Make sure you don’t use clear-text passwords in Unattend.xml file!
  • create Azure Stack HCI VMs
    • I’m creating two VMs from our prepared VHD(X), with a couple of additional data disks, few network adapters for different purposes, nested virtualization enabled, etc.:

  • set node networking, join them to the domain, prepare for cluster (by using PowerShell Direct):

  • create the Azure Stack HCI cluster:

  • register (optional) the Azure Stack HCI cluster:

  • create CSV(s) and virtual switches for child workloads (but add nodes/cluster to WAC before, if not using PowerShell)

  • play around with your new cluster
  • (optional) clean all/redeploy if needed:

And now you have fully functional, nested, 2-node Azure Stack HCI cluster – nothing too fancy, but you can extend it how you wish! 😊

You can begin exploring the Azure Stack HCI itself, use it with Azure Arc, or perhaps install AKS on Azure Stack HCI and play around with it. Or something else.


P.S. You can use these scripts also for stuff other than Azure Stack HCI, of course! 😉
P.P.S. Code is also available on my GitHub page.

Fixing Hyper-V virtual machine import with Compare-VM

Well, I was rearranging some stuff the other day, and come to an interesting “lesson learned”, which I’ll share. 🙂

In my lab, I’ve had a Hyper-V server running Windows 2012 R2, which I finally wanted to upgrade to something newer. I’ve decided to go with the latest Windows Server Insider Preview (SA 20180), just for fun.

When trying to do an in-place upgrade, I was presented with the message “it can’t be done“, which is fine – my existing installation is with GUI, the new one will be Core.

So, evacuate everything and reinstall.

In the process, I’ve also reorganized some stuff (machines were moved to another disk, not all files were on the same place, etc.).

Installed Windows, installed Hyper-V, created VM switches, but when I tried to import it all back (from PowerShell… because I had no GUI anymore), I was presented with an error.

Error during virtual machine import was (I know – could’ve used more specific Import-VM command, which will select all the right folders and required options, but… learned something new by doing it this way!):

So, the error says it all – “Please use Compare-VM to repair the virtual machine.” 🙂

But how?! 🙂

If you go to the docs page of Compare-VM, you can see how it’s used.

And, in my case, the whole process of repairing this virtual machine looks like this:

Hope this helps you as well!


CRC – OpenShift 4 cluster in your pocket

… but only if you have large pockets, that is! 🙂

I suppose that, by now, you’ve already heard of minishift – tool which helps you run a single-node OpenShift 3.x cluster inside a virtual machine (on your preferred hypervisor), which is extremely convenient if you need to do some local development, testing, etc. Of course, you can always deploy what you need on top of Azure or any other cloud provider, but having OpenShift cluster locally can have its benefits.

And what if you need, let’s say, an OpenShift 4.x cluster “to go”?

Don’t worry, there is a solution for you as well! It’s called CodeReady Containers (CRC) (version 1.9 at the time of writing), and is basically a single node OpenShift 4.x cluster, inside a virtual machine (sounds a lot like minishift, doesn’t it?).

So, how can you get your hands on CRC and make it work?

There are a couple of steps involved:

  • download the OpenShift tools (as I’m using Windows, so I’ll use this one):

  • unzip all to a location you like (mine is C:\PocketOpenShift):

  • (optional) add this location to PATH for easier usage (as already mentined, I’m using Windows & PowerShell):

  • run “crc setup” which will prepare the environment:

  • run “crc start” (with one or more options, if needed – as you can see, I’ll be using custom number of vCPUs, amount of RAM and a custom nameserver):

  • at any time, you can check the status of your cluster by using “crc status” command:

  • once it is up, you can use “oc login” or console (bring it up with “crc console“) to connect to it, either as an (kube)admin or a developer, and continue working as you would normally with any other OpenShift cluster:

  • one other thing I like to do is to enable monitoring and other disabled stuff (note though – your VM should have 12+ GB RAM) – you can do it with two commands – first one lists all that is disabled, and the second one, with the index at the end, enables it (also note that in the official documentation there is an issue with “” and (they are switched), if you’re working in PowerShell):

  • monitoring should now be working as well:

And that’s it – you’re ready to work on your own “pocket OpenShift cluster”! 🙂

Of course, don’t forget that there is also the official documentation, including the Getting Started guide and Release Notes and Known Issues document. So… take a look!


PowerShell helps with Altaro

I really like Altaro VM Backup! It’s so simple, fast and gets the job done. If you haven’t tried it yet, please do – it fulfills the backup needs of small and medium businesses. I’m using it for backup of my Hyper-V virtual machines, of course.

Have I mentioned that they also have the free version, because – they do!

With this little digression out of the way, the thing I want to write now is something that really helped me the other day. I created (yet another) virtual machine on my Hyper-V host and then I tried to add it to backup as well. It is really simple to do this in Altaro – you just select your virtual machine and then drag & drop it to the desired backup location and schedule and that’s it!

As I was connected to my host via Remote Desktop, I was having trouble with drag & drop. I wasn’t able to add my new virtual machine to either backup location or schedule. I’m stuck.

Altaro VM Backup

Altaro VM Backup

So… when all things fail, you’re usually saved by “reading the friendly manual” (RTFM). Or by using PowerShell. I’ve decided to try the latter.

How do you use PowerShell to add the virtual machine to backup when using Altaro VM Backup?

There are a couple of steps, but basically you need to establish the connection to backup server, make Altaro VM Backup aware of your virtual machine, assign it to the desired backup location and schedule. And that’s it! And, even better – the good people at Altaro have written the PowerShell scripts that help you do all that!

The steps are:

  • (inside PowerShell console) go to the C:\Program Files\Altaro\Altaro Backup\Cmdlets where here you can see all the scripts that come out-of-the-box:

Altaro VM Backup

  • all scripts are equipped with help and examples, accessible by adding the –help parameter:

Altaro VM Backup

  • first, we need to establish connection to backup server by using the StartSessionPasswordHidden.ps1 scripts (that will give us connection to the backup server and also Session token (Data field) which we need as first parameter for all the next steps):

Altaro VM Backup

  • next, we need to make Altaro VM Backup aware of our new virtual machine by getting the HypervisorVirtualMachineUuid of this virtual machine with GetVirtualMachines.ps1 script:

Altaro VM Backup

  • then we can add this virtual machine to Altaro with AddVirtualMachineToConfig.ps1 script by passing the Data (actually the VirtualMachineRefId) value from the previous step:

Altaro VM Backup

  • next, we need to check our available backup locations with GetBackupLocations.ps1 script:

Altaro VM Backup

  • by using the AddVirtualMachineToBackupLocation.ps1 with BackupLocationId from the previous step, we will assign our virtual machine to desired backup location:

Altaro VM Backup

  • next, we need to add this virtual machine to a desired schedule as well – with GetSchedules.ps1 script, we can get the ScheduleId:

Altaro VM Backup

  • and with this parameter in hand, we can start the AddVirtualMachineToSchedule.ps1 script:

Altaro VM Backup

  • last, but not least, we need to close all sessions by using the EndAllSessions.ps1 script:

Altaro VM Backup

  • finally, we can see the results in the GUI (our machine should be added to the backup location and schedule – everything that’s needed to start backing it up!):

Altaro VM BackupAltaro VM Backup

Pretty simple (and cool), right?! Hope it helps!


Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack (ASDK) (8)

After seven posts on how to get started with Microsoft Azure Stack/Azure Stack Development Kit, I think it’s finally time to share some additional resources that can help you on this amazing journey!

First (and the most important one… and the one that I already mentioned a few times) is the official documentation – hosted at, regularly updated… with everything you need… just at the tip of your fingers! Amazing!

Next, there are two books I’ve been reading (feel free to leave a comment if you know any other book or resource I’ve missed) – the first one is Packt’s Building Hybrid Clouds with Azure Stack by Markus Klein and Susan Roesner (thank you, Ron!). The second book is Sams’ Microsoft Hybrid Cloud Unleashed with Azure Stack and Azure by Kerrie Meyler, Steve Buchanan, Mark Scholman, Jakob Gottlieb Svendsen and Janaka Rangama. Great books written by great authors!

Also, PluralSight is offering the short Microsoft Azure Stack: The Big Picture by Jason Helmick – totally free!

And if you plan to certify on Azure Stack – the official exam 70-537: Configuring and Operating a Hybrid Cloud with Microsoft Azure Stack is available
(accompanied by the official MOC, of course)!

Lastly – make also sure that you don’t miss Jeffrey’s inspiring talk!

Hope it helps!

Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack (ASDK) (7)

One other important topic of running your Microsoft Azure Stack/ASDK environment is updating. You’ll need to update your deployment regularly to stay supported.

So… how do we do it?

First, you’ll download updates by using the provided Azure Stack Updates Downloader utility.

If you remember the following video, starting at 1:04, you could see the Downloader in action:

Next, you’ll unpack and upload the updates to your Stack deployment (to the updateadminaccount storage account, to be exact):

As the last step, Azure Stack will pick the info about uploaded updates and let you press the (magic) Update now button.

Then… we wait and our updates will be (magically) installed. And that’s it! Cool!

I’ve recorded a short video about this one as well:

Note, though, that updating of the nested Azure Stack/ASDK (i.e. installed inside of a virtual machine, either on Hyper-V, Azure or somewhere else) will probably not work… and this is perfectly fine (and expected)!


P.S. The whole YouTube playlist is available here.

Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack (ASDK) (6)

Once you’re all set with preparing your Azure Stack/ASDK infrastructure, it’s time to let other users actually use it by forming tenants.

For this, you’ll first create a Plan which contains all the services a tenant is allowed to use with setting the appropriate Quotas on these services. Next, you’ll create an Offer consisting of the plan you just created (and any other you may have created earlier). With that, you can create a Subscription which will, finally, allow your user to consume Azure Stack/ASDK services (i.e. provision virtual machines and any other service you may have put in your plan).

I’ve made a short video about provisioning the above mentioned for my newly created [email protected] user:

Note that my user is using the “tenant portal” (https://portal.local.azurestack.external/) for provisioning its services, and not the “admin portal” (https://adminportal.local.azurestack.external/).


Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack (ASDK) (5)

It’s not like we can deploy only WordPress or Ubuntu on top of our ASDK – we can do so much more! And now I’ll show you how to add Windows 2016 image to your Azure Stack (ASDK) environment.

First, you’ll need to connect to your ASDK environment by using the Login-AzureRmAccount command. Then you’ll need the Windows Server 2016 ISO, and with an easy New-AzsServer2016VMImage command, you’ll import the Windows Server 2016 bits and create Windows Server 2016 image/template for your Azure Stack environment.

There is also a video showing you all the steps and note that you can also add the latest Cumulative Update (CU) to the template with a simple switch called -IncludeLatestCU (how cool is that?!):

After that, you can easily create a new virtual machine based on Windows Server 2016 template you’ve just created, like in the following video:


Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack (ASDK) (4)

And now, a short and sweet one – once you have downloaded, installed and registered your ASDK, you can finally start using it!

First thing I would do is to grab something from the Azure Marketplace – inside your Admin Portal (https://adminportal.local.azurestack.external/), you can open up the Marketplace management section and then click on Add from Azure button:

This gives you a whole selection of images available on Azure, which can be downloaded and used on you ASDK. Just for fun, in the next video, I’ll download WordPress (on Ubuntu) and a VM extension called Microsoft Antimalware (hmmm… I wonder what it does? Smile):

Once downloaded, you can provision yourself a brand new WordPress instance, running on top of Ubuntu, on top of your own ASDK, as you can see in the following video:

Happy weekend!

Getting started with Microsoft Azure Stack (ASDK) (3)

As a final preparation step (following my previous post) in using the ASDK, we need to first register it. For that, an Azure subscription is required!

So… let’s do it.

First, we need to make sure we have the required Azure Stack PowerShell modules. It’s also convenient to make the PSGallery trusted repository for installation of the modules, if we need to install them. Then we can download all the tools we’ll need, and finally register our (connected) ASDK environment, using the following commands:

You can find the whole procedure explained in more detail inside the official documentation, of course.

And… once registered – we can finally start using our ASDK!

As before – I’ve also prepared a short video about registering the ASDK:

Happy exploring!