Yet another “Kubernetes with Raspberry Pi” post

There’s a ton of the tutorials on how to get Kubernetes installed onto your Raspberry Pi, so… let’s write another one. 😊

As mentioned in my last post, I’ve found my forgotten Raspberry Pi, and played around with installing and configuring Raspbian Buster on it.

Today, I wanted to check if it will be possible to install Kubernetes onto such small machine – they are many articles on the “widest of the world’s webs” that say “Yes, it can be done!“, so I’ve decided to give it a try! And I chose to follow one of them (seemed like a nice reference).

As you remember, I’m starting with a cleanly installed (and just slightly customized) Raspbian Buster and building it from there.

And I’ll be using kubeadm for installing my cluster.

So, once I had at least two machines (my Raspberry Pi for the “control plane” and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Hyper-V virtual machine as the “node” – you can read more about it here), I prepared them like this:

  • install Docker (in my case)
  • change the default cgroups driver for Docker to systemd
  • add cgroups limit support (for my Raspberry Pi 3)
  • configure iptables
  • disable swap (this one was a bit challenging)
  • prepare for Kubernetes installation (source, keys, kubeadm)
  • install Kubernetes “control plane”
  • add flannel
  • add a node to the cluster
  • test with some workload

One thing that bothered me (on Buster) was disabling swap in a way that it also stays disabled after a reboot (I know, it’s the details that eventually get you) – after a while, I’ve stumbled on this forum post and the solution provided by powerpetedid the trick! Thank you, @powerpete! 😊

And finally, details about the each step are here (outputs are commented and somewhat redacted/condensed):

Seems to be working (😊):


P.S. I’ve read about some having issues with flannel and using other network options (didn’t have this one). Also, if you’ll have issues with iptables (v1.8+), maybe you’ll need to switch to legacy version (didn’t have this one either).


  1. When I get this thios stage, it fails:
    # add node to the cluster (pinode,
    sudo kubeadm join –token rqyytr.f3pvvz2yepq51b7h –discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:5b04368aaee148fa3eb8c6aed3c3bc8041248590e2055a81617d16d8f796bb77
    sudo kubeadm join –token ******.******************* –discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:******************************************************************
    [preflight] Running pre-flight checks
    [WARNING SystemVerification]: missing optional cgroups: hugetlb
    error execution phase preflight: [preflight] Some fatal errors occurred:
    [ERROR FileAvailable–etc-kubernetes-kubelet.conf]: /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf already exists
    [ERROR Port-10250]: Port 10250 is in use
    [ERROR FileAvailable–etc-kubernetes-pki-ca.crt]: /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt already exists
    [preflight] If you know what you are doing, you can make a check non-fatal with --ignore-preflight-errors=...
    To see the stack trace of this error execute with –v=5 or higher
    pi@k3s-master:~ $ kubectl get nodes
    k3s-master Ready control-plane,master 3m29s v1.23.5
    Any suggestions thanks

    • Are you perhaps adding the same node to the cluster? It seems so – it seems you’re on a “pimaster” node and running “kubeadm join” command. You should be on the second node (“pinode”) and join that one to the cluster running on “pimaster”. Or I missed something? 🙂

      • That is what I was doing, I relised. Can I not add the master as a node to cluster? It seems to be a waste only doing the managment and nothing else.

        • No, it’s already “in the cluster” and running the “control plane” pods. If you want a single node cluster, you can eventually try to “untaint” the master node, thus allowing it to run “normal” workloads as well. Command should be something like “kubectl taint nodes –all“.



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