NetScaler, XenMobile and SSL certificates

So, you’ve finally decided to make yourself “a small Citrix lab” (XenMobile and NetScaler), but you’re having trouble with getting all the certificates in place. Fear not, I’m here to help!

Installing the SSL certificates for NetScaler is relatively simple, but still… some steps are easily forgotten and then… you need to troubleshoot. Smile

Steps to install the SSL certificate for NetScaler (correctly) are:

  1. Install the server certificate (for example, certificate for The easiest way is to use .PFX certificate file, and you can install it through Traffic Management – SSL – Certificates – Server Certificates.
  2. Install the issuing and root CA’s certificates (.PEM files are OK) through Traffic Management – SSL – Certificates – CA Certificates.
  3. Create link (right click – Link) between the server certificate and issuing CA’s certificate.
  4. Create link (right click – Link) between the issuing CA’s certificate and root CA’s certificate.
  5. Check the certificate links on issuing CA’s certificate (right click – Certificate links). There should be two – one linking the server certificate, another the root certificate.
  6. Select the imported certificate for NetScaler Gateway usage.
  7. Select the imported certificate for (SSL) virtual servers as well. If you’re using NetScaler appliances in HA mode, force synchronization.
  8. Check if certificates are installed properly (for example, by opening the MAM interface with your browser – or
  9. Check if certificate chain is in order as well –

For XenMobile Server, there is some preparation work to do, to get it all right. Basically, you’ll need to combine all the (.PEM) certificate files into one, upload that to XenMobile Server, and restart.

Steps are:

  1. Combine individual (.PEM) certificate files (server, issuing and root CA) into one .PEM file by following instructions on this DigiCert site (you can use Notepad to achieve this). Your final .PEM file should look like this:
    (server_certificate.pem content)

    (issuing_ca_certificate.pem content)

    (root_ca_certificate.pem content)

  3. Upload the combined (.PEM) certificate file to XenMobile Server.
  4. Restart all the XenMobile Server nodes (one by one).
  5. Check if nodes picked up the certificate change (for example, by opening the XenMobile Server management interface with your browser – https://{node’s_IP_address}:4443).
  6. Check if certificate chain is in order as well –

And… that’s it!

Oh, yeah – in case you’ve been living under a rock… don’t use the SHA-1 certificates anymore… they are obsolete now (info). Smile



    • Well, I would say that this information is rather strange, because I’ve successfully used PEM certificates for my SSL Listener in XenMobile 10(.5) implementations.

      • You may be correct, I tried it and was able to do so as well. Maybe something that Citrix does not know…?

        • Glad it works for you too! I think that this is something that’s missed in revisions from the old documentation, when XenMobile were “Windows apps”, and not an appliance. I’ll try get in touch with Citrix people and ask about it. ?


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