Playing with folders and permissions

This one will be short and sweet. Smiješak

Imagine you have an Active Directory full of users. You also have a file server in your environment. And, as it happens, each of your users needs to have a folder created just for himself, on this file server. Each folder should have inheritance disabled and each user should get full permissions on his folder.

What do you do?

Well, we can manually create the required folders, or we can use a PowerShell script which will do it for us. Obviously, I’ve chosen PowerShell (maybe not the nicest script in the world, but it does the job), or this post would be… lame. Smiješak

So, the interesting part of this script goes like this (I’ve added a few empty lines to make comments more visible):


Inside the Microsoft OMS

Are you looking for some great Operations Management Suite (OMS) resources?

Earlier today something great got published – a preview version of a new free e-book on OMS! Book, which is called Inside the Microsoft Operations Management Suite, was authored by four OMS experts – Tao Yang, Stanislav Zhelyazkov, Pete Zerger and Anders Bengtsson.


Haven’t had a chance to read it just yet, but it looks great (total of 430 pages, split in 12 chapters), and can’t wait to start reading it! Smiješak


  • Introduction and Onboarding
  • Searching and Presenting OMS Data
  • Alert Management
  • Configuration Assessment and Change Tracking
  • Working with Performance Data
  • Process Automation and Desired State Configuration
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
  • Security Configuration and Event Analysis
  • Analyzing Network Data
  • Accessing OMS Data Programmatically
  • Custom Management Pack Authoring
  • Cross-Platform Management and Automation

You can download this book for free from TechNet Gallery, and if you liked it, don’t forget to leave the 5-star rating (and a comment).

Now I have something to read in this cold winter days (and nights). Smiješak
