Internet Explorer 9 RC – available

According to the article on, Internet Explorer’s (long awaited) “public beta refresh” is available for download…

If you’re  still using the “old version” (of IE 9), go and grab this better looking version which is named Internet Explorer 9 RC(version number is 9.0.8080.16413 – this is somewhat newer then the version that “leaked” few days ago (that one was 9.0.8073.6003, in case that someone was wondering)).

The new version can be downloaded here, and more (official) information is available at this site. If you want to see what IE9 can do, the good start would definitely be at

UPDATE: ZDNet’s Ed Bott gave a pretty wrap-up of what is new in IE9 RC, and you can find his article here.

TFS 2010 – item locked…

First of all, just a little disclaimer – I’m NOT a TFS specialist (neither a developer); I’m only a user that wants to help you save the time troubleshooting some errors that I encountered along the way (I’m also not responsible if the following deletes your data, crashes your computer or worse). 🙂

Today I had some troubles with my TFS 2010 installation. For some reason, it was giving me error saying “The item [full_path] is locked for check-out by [user_name] in workspace [workspace_name].“. Error looks something like this:


Ok, so my file is locked by some other user – first approach would be to ask that other user to “unlock” it for me. In my case, this method was not successful. This other user said to me that he’s also having the same problem just with another user’s locked file…

If you have the same problem, and want to resolve this as quickly as possible (Is this the best method? Probably not; I don’t know, but this helped me (see the disclaimer on top of the post)), maybe this workaround will help you as well:

W: If you know your way around command prompt, you can use the tf.exe utility ( that is available if you installed Visual Studio. As the documentation says, you can find this utility in the following location “<drive>:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 10.0Common7IDE”. The full command that I used is: tf workspace /delete [user_workspace];[domain][user_name] /s:http://[tfs_server_name]:8080 (i.e. tf workspace /delete TOMICA-PC;HOMEtomica /s:http://localhost:8080/tfs).

I hope that someone finds this information useful, and I’m looking forward to get some comments from people that are more experienced in this matter…

1. sastanak SQL UG (report)

Jučer je u Zagrebu, kako je i najavljeno, održan 1. sastanak hrvatske SQL user grupe. Ukratko, mogu reći da se tražilo “mjesto više” – dvorana Dante (u Microsoftovom uredu) nije bila dovoljno velika da primi sve zainteresirane, što je jako dobra stvar jer pokazuje da zainteresiranih za SQL grupu ima jako puno (i ne samo u Zagrebu).

Nakon početnih informacija o osnivanju grupe, sponzorima i sljedećim sastancima, održana su dva odlična predavanja dvojice naših MVP-eva.

Prvo je održao Dean Vitner, a pričao je o transaction logu – iako nisam DBA, predavanje mi je bilo dosta zanimljivo (jedino što je moralo završiti baš kad je postalo zanimljivo jer su stigle pizze). U drugom predavanju je Marko Čulo pričao o skladištima podataka što je također bilo dosta zanimljivo predavanje.

Mislim da je prvi sastanak grupe prošao i više nego dobro, nadam se da su i leadovi zadovoljni te da će im za svaki sljedeći sastanak trebati sve više prostora/slobodnih mjesta…

S obzirom da sam snimao predavanja, snimka bi trebala (uz sve ostale materijale) biti dostupna negdje (točnu lokaciju trenutno ne znam). Slike za sada možete pogledati na Gordonovom SkyDriveu (ovdje), a uskoro ćemo onda prikupiti sve materijale i staviti ih na jedno mjesto…